spainish american war

  • about Theodore Rosevelt (1)

    about Theodore Rosevelt (1)
    Theodore Rosevelt was part of the "rough riders", a crowd of men who joined the ninth and tenth cavalry, and fought in the Battle of San Juan Hill.
  • about Theodore Rosevelt (2)

    about Theodore Rosevelt (2)
    Theodore Rosevelt thought that the explosion of the Maine as a reason to go to war
  • diseases

    yellow fever and millaria were big killers in the war. So big, that the diseases killed more soldiers than soldiers that died in battle!
  • yellow journalism information

    yellow journalism information
    yellow journalism is expanding the truth in newspapers. What I mean is, say somthing happened (like the explosion of the USS Maine) newspapers would write about it in their newspapers, but stretch the truth to make it more interesting by claiming that the spanish blew it up, so they can get people to buy their newspapers, when really, it was an accindent. it's like making something juicy, by adding grease. Also, yellow journalism was one of the causes for the war!
  • date McKinley becomes president

    date McKinley becomes president
    McKinley was our 25 presindent. He also was a teacher, and lawyer.
  • explosion of the USS Maine

    explosion of the USS Maine
    the explosion of the USS Maine, 1) remindes me of the Titanic. 2) it was an accident!!!
    3)newspapers made it sound like it was the spanish fault! When it wasn't at all! IT WAS A PURE ACCIDENT!!!!! (thanks, yellow journalism)
  • US declares war

    on april 25, the US declared war on spain. There are a few reasons that caused the war against spain. One of the most biggest reasons for the war is yellow journalism.
  • treaty of paris

    the treaty dissolved most of the spanish empire.
  • pillipine rebellion

    pillipine rebellion
    after the war, the people in the Phillipines wanted independance, so, the US had war against the Phillipines
  • the platt ammendment

    the platt ammendment
    the platt ammendment prohibited cuba from making treaties with other nations.