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Spain in 19 th century

  • The absolutist phase

    The absolutist phase
    Ferdinand VII became the king of Spain, his objective was the return of absolute monarchy, but for the spreed of liberal ideas during the War of independence made the restoration of absolute monarchy hard
  • Period: to


    After the French troops went back to France in 1814, Ferdinand VII return to Spain to became the King. His aim was to re-establish an absolute monarchy. But for several things the restoration of absolutism was difficuls
  • The liberal phase

    The liberal phase
    A cupe de tape was succesful, and the king was forced to reinstate the Constitution of 1812, because the people were unsatisfied with the reign of the absolutism .Ferdinand VII felt intimidated for this and appeal to other European absolute monarchs to defend Spain agaist them
  • The ominous decade

    The ominous decade
    The return to absolutism during the last ten years of Ferdinand VII's reign annulled all the legistation of the Liberal phase. However the political and economic problems in Spain led to the final crisis of the absolute monarchy.
    The war against French had made Spain bankrupt, and the independence of American caused a major loss of revenue
  • First carlist war

    First carlist war
    This war began in the Basque Country, carlist were defeated by liberal army of general Espartero. Peace was signed at the convention of vergara
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    This preiod the power was shared between Maria Cristina and Carlos. Liberals supported Isabella II argued for a constitutuional monarchy and the Carlist who supported Carlos argued for the absolute powe for the king
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    Moderate liberals with oncreasingly conservative polices took control of the government, the progressive General Espartero was appointed regent
  • Alternation of power

    Alternation of power
    In this pedriod the power changed bewteen moderates and progressists. These goverments were usually led by military like Espartero ...
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    She established a liberal constitutional monarchy, the crown was retained power, but this power shared with the Cortes, the queen was supported by the liberal political parties, various constitutions were approved and military participated actively in politics
  • Second carlist war

    Second carlist war
    This war began in the Basque country, the war was caused by Isavel II's refusal to marry Carlos Luis Bourbon, the carlist claimant. This war ended with the deafeat of Carlists.
  • Social instability

    Social instability
    The social instability caused by discontent among the peasants over poor working conditions. This create a tension between workers and factory owners over increasing uneployment and low wages.
  • Expropiations

    Expropitations aimed to solve Spain's economic problems by paying the state's debt and braking up large westates belonging to the church.
  • Glorious Revolution

    Glorious Revolution
    This revolutions was triggered by the progressives and democrats, who were joined by unionists and led by Admiral Topete
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    The crisis of the monarchy led to the 'Glorious Revolution', an insurrection to overthrow Isabella II and establishe a democratic system. Several political solutions were tried out and all faced numerous problems
  • Provisional government

    Provisional government
    Isabella II and her heir Alfolso into exile.A provisional government was formed to establish a democratic political system, the constitution established national sovereignty and universal male suffrage.
  • Amadeo I of Savoy

    Amadeo I of Savoy
    Was from a liberal monarchy that had contributed to the unification of Italy.
    Amadeo I was supported by progressives, unionist and democrats, and the government introduced new measures to herlp economic recovery.
  • The First Republic

    The First Republic
    The Cortes voted for a republic. The republic had four presidents ( Figueras, Pi y Margall, Salmerón and Castelar), but some series of problems made its proper establishment impossible,
    the diviions between unitaru and federal, dealing with the cuban insurrection, a social unrest increased and a monarchist opposition.