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Spain 2nd Period

  • Jan 18, 1460

    Juan Ponce De Leon {1460-1521}

    Juan Ponce De Leon {1460-1521}
    WHO?: He was an explorer
    WHAT?: He was a Spanish explorer and Puerto Rican Governor. Co founded La Florida and was wounded on his voyage to the fountain of youth.
    WHEN?: Explored 1508-1521
    WHERE?: Juan Ponce De Leon was born in Puerto Rico and explored La Florida and parts of the Caribbean.
    WHY?: he explored for the Queen and King of Spain at first but after in La Florida was interested in this rumor of the Fountain of youth. On his voyage he was killed by the Native Americans.
  • Aug 3, 1492

    Christopher Columbus 1451-1506

    Christopher Columbus 1451-1506
    WHO?: A Conquistador
    WHY?: The King and Queen wanted riches and they wanted to spread their religion.They hoped Columbus would come back and be honored to serve the monarchy.
    WHERE?: He was born in Genoa, Italy and explored in now called North and South America
    WHEN?: He explored in 1492, 1493, 1498, 1503.
    WHAT?: An explorer that had a mixed legacy. He murdered the Native Americans for their gold and jewels and also for their land. He was a technically criminal and a hero.
  • Jan 1, 1505

    Ferdinand Magellan Elcano 1480-1521

    Ferdinand Magellan Elcano 1480-1521
    WHO?:Explorer explored the "spice island" and east Africa
    WHEN?:Started exploriation on 1505
    WHERE?: Explored the "spice island" and east Africa
    WHAT?: He joined the the Portuguese to sail East Africa in 1505 On 1517 he joined the Spanish sailors. He forgot a ton of spices from the spice island.
    WHY?: Magellan explored the Malaccas fort to find spices for the Portuguese
  • Jan 1, 1513

    Vasco Nunez de Balboa 1475-1519

    Vasco Nunez de Balboa 1475-1519
    WHAT?:He was the first person from Europe to discover the Pacific ocean. Because of his exploration, Spain now knew that there was an ocean for them to sail to the east. His exploration helped pave the way for Spain's expansion throughout the new world.
    WHEN?:Vasco Nunez de balboa started his exploration in 1513
    WHERE?:He discovered the Pacific Ocean
    WHY?:He wanted to search for a new sea, gold, and explore the south of the world.