
  • Nov 9, 711

    Los Moros

    Los Moros
    Los Moros invadieron Espana.
  • Nov 11, 711

    Los Moros

    Once Muslim arrived to Spain, their rule was accpeted voluntarlly by many Spaniars, and numbers of them accepted Islam.
  • Nov 9, 1469

    Isabel de Castilla y Fernando de Aragon

    Isabel de Castilla y Fernando de Aragon
    Isabel de Castilla y Fernando de Aragon se casaron.
  • Nov 11, 1469

    Isabella y Fernando

    Their marriage became the basis for the politcal unification of Spain under their grandson Holy Roman Emperor Charles V.
  • Nov 11, 1469

    Isabel y Fernando

    Isabel try to get her throne, by doing so she kept the crime rate low, and unburdened the kingdom of debt.
  • Nov 11, 1469


    A civil war broke out in Castile over King Henry's inability to act as sovereign.
  • Nov 11, 1469


    Isabel was forced to marry Don Pedro, but she prayed every night that she wouldn't get to marry him. Her prayers were answered when Don Pedro suddenly fell ill.
  • Nov 9, 1481

    Los Reyes Catolicos

    Los Reyes Catolicos
    Establecieron los Reyes Catolicos, el Tribunal de la Inquisicon.
  • Nov 11, 1481

    Catholic Monarchs

    Jews had to convert to Christianity or face exile.
  • Nov 9, 1492

    Las tropas

    Las tropasde Fernando e Isabel entraron en Granada en fin de la Reconquista.
  • Nov 9, 1492

    Los Reyes Catolicos

    Los Reyes Catolicos
    Los Reyes Catolicos Romanos invideron Espana.
  • Nov 11, 1492


    Muslims people orgin had lived unmolested in Christian areas. Thhe city's inhabitants recevied generous terms of submission and a large degree of religious freedom.
  • Franciso Franco

    Franciso Franco
    La muerte de general Franciso Franco, el muero en la guerra Civil Espanol.
  • Fransico Franco

    He was a dictaor and led a successful military rebellion to overthrow the Spanish democratic republic.
  • Francisco Franco

    When the social and economic structrue of Spain, in the governing hands of the left began to crumble. Franco joined the growing rebel movement.
  • Comunidades Autonomas

    Comunidades Autonomas
    Se dividia en regiones se les llam "comunidades autonomas".
  • Catholic Monarchs

    The new world discoveries strengthened the church by such agencies.
  • Fernando e Isabel

    Fernando e Isabel
    Fernando e Isabel partocinaron el vije de Cristoball Colon.
  • La Batalla

    La Batalla
    Los Espanaoles ganaron su primera batalla contra los moros en Convadonga.
  • Batalla de Covadonga

    The battle of Covadonga was the firsrt victory by Christian military forces.