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Spain (2) 6th peroid

  • Jan 12, 1475

    Vasco Núñez de Balboa 1475 CE - 1514 CE

    Vasco Núñez de Balboa 1475 CE - 1514 CE
    Who: Vasco Núñez de Balboa was a Spanish explorer, governor, and conquistador.
    What: Vasco Núñez de Balboa was the first European to set eyes on the pacific ocean.
  • Jan 1, 1486

    El Cano (1486)-(1526)

    El Cano (1486)-(1526)
    Who: His name is El Cano a spanish sailor and navigator best known for leading the second half of the worlds first round the world navigation.
    What: El Cano had to help find a route to the spice lands
    When: He lived lived (1486)-(1526). They set sail september of (1519),And sailed back on september 6 (1522).
    Where: He was born in Getaria Gipuskoq , Spain. He explored the spice lands and pacific ocean.
    Why: He Broke a Spanish law and the king forgave him if he helped on a expedition.
  • Jan 1, 1496

    Juan Ponce De Leon 1460-1521

    Juan Ponce De  Leon 1460-1521
    Who:Juan Ponce De Leon explorer.What/When:Was the first European explorer to reach Florida.He found Florida on April 2,1512.On his last expedition to find the fountain of youth Ponce De Leon was wounded and died later.Where:he explored Florida and was born in Campos,Spain.Why:To find the fountain of youth because it was said to give eternal beauty and health.(Juan Ponce De Leon never found it.
  • Christopher Columbus (1451-1506)

    Christopher Columbus   (1451-1506)
    Who: Christopher Columbus explorer and navigator.
    What: Made 4 trips across the Atlantic ocean. He wanted to find a water route from west Europe to Asia
    When: He was born on 1451 in Italy and died in May 20, 1506 Spain. Found America's in 1492.
    Where: Columbus traveled on Santa Maria ship so he could go find a water route but he found the Americas.
    Why: He traveled because he was sent by the king and queen to find a route to trade for spices.