Spaibish invasion of the aztecs

  • Feb 15, 1519

    Cortes sails for mexico from cuba

    Cortes is searching for gold to fufill his childhood dream.
  • Feb 19, 1519

    The Spanish massacre thousands of Aztecs while preparing for their religious festival

  • Feb 22, 1519

    The Spanish attempt to escape from Tenochtitlan but are stopped by the Aztecs - later referred to as the Noche Triste

  • Jun 15, 1519

    Tlaxcalans attack the Spanish

  • Jun 24, 1519

    The Spanish form a second attack on the now weakened Aztecs

  • Jun 27, 1519

    Tlaxcalans form alliance with the Spanish

  • Nov 8, 1519

    Moctezuma and Cortes meet

  • Jun 17, 1520

    The Spanish retreat after the Aztecs gather arms

  • Jun 29, 1520

    Moctezuma dies

  • Aug 13, 1520

    The last group of Aztecs surrender

  • Apr 13, 1522

    Cortes becomes governor and captain-general of New Spain