Cosmic Times

  • Age: INFINITE Size: 300,000 ly

    Age: INFINITE Size: 300,000 ly
  • FACT

    Einstein predicted that the suns gravity would bend starlight as it passed the sun.
  • FACT

    Professor Stanley Eddington confirmed Einstiens theory.
  • FACT

    The center of the Milkey Way is 60 light years from the sun
  • Period: to

    Cosmic Times

  • AGE: 2 billion SIZE: 280,000,000 ly

    AGE: 2 billion SIZE: 280,000,000 ly
  • FACT

    Dr. Hubble took hotos of "spiral nebulae"
  • FACT

    Andromeda was 100million light years away
  • FACT

    Three types of galaxies Hubble identified were spiral, irregular, and elliptical.
  • AGE:6 billion SIZE: 4-8 billion light years

    AGE:6 billion SIZE: 4-8 billion light years
  • FACT

    Walter Baade took pictures of Andromeda
  • FACT

    Type 1 stars are brighter bluer and lie in open clusters
  • FACT

    Two theries are the big bang and the steady state
  • AGE: 10-25 billion SIZE: 25 billion ly

    AGE: 10-25 billion SIZE: 25 billion ly
  • FACT

    Arno Penzias and Robert Willson accedentally found radiation from the big bang
  • FACT

    Astronomers measure speed of stars by looking at their light spectra
  • FACT

    Astronomers found that the amount of light is not what we accpect from so much matter
  • AGE: 12-20 bjllion SIZE: 30 billion ly

    AGE: 12-20 bjllion SIZE: 30 billion ly
  • FACT

    The universe started as a dense ball of energy
  • FACT

    IF dark matter was not present the gas would quickly dissipate
  • FACT

    The new discoveries of cephied variable stars and type 1 cupernovea is better than Henrietta Leavitt because we can see them at greater distances
  • AGE: 13.7 billion SIZE: 94 billion ly

  • FACT

    Dark energy - 73% atoms- 4% dark matter 23%
  • FACT

    Dr. John C Mather is a NASA scientist who discovered cosmic microwave backrounds
  • FACT

    CMB is thr remaining light from the beginning of the universe