Space Timeline- Jaya Marshall

  • The first dogs in Space

    The first dogs in Space
    The soviet union sent two dogs, Belka and Strlka up into space. They became the first dogs too circle earth and come back.
  • Period: to

    Pioneer series

    It was a series of probes that proceeded to do many missions, including some of the first lunar probes. Also conducting investing of the conditions of interplanetary space, as well as the first flybys of Jupiter and Saturn (and a bit of explorations of Venus too!)
  • Luna 1, 2, and 3

    Luna 1, 2, and 3
    Luna 1 did a flyby of the moon and found evidence of ionized plasma known as Solar Wind. Luna 2 was the first spacecraft to actually land on the moon's surface. Luna 3 captured the first blurry images of the dark side of the moon.
  • Attempted launch by Soviet Union

    Attempted launch by Soviet Union
    The soviet launched venera to venus but after a week the probe stops responding.
  • Yuri Gargin

    Yuri Gargin
    Becomes the first man in space, it lasted 108 minutes and circled earth for one orbit. He's widely celebrated in russia.
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    Mariner series

    Consisted of ten exploration propes. They were designed by NASA's jet propulision laboratory, 3 were unsuccssesful but contained alot of important firsts. Mariner 2 was the first to visit venus, 4 was the first susseful encountor to mars, and 10 was the first visit to Mercury
  • Mariner 10

    Mariner 10
    The first mission to Mercury. It revealed magnetic fields and core Mercury, taking up 80% of Mercury's mass
  • Venera 9 and 10

    Venera 9 and 10
    Found pressure, tempurature and photometric measurments, as well as cloud density.
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    Viking 1 and 2

    The first mission to reach martian surface and to search for evidence on mars (safely). Viking 1 landed on the western slope while viking 2 landed at utopia plantia taking, both taking pictures and collecting scientific data
  • Voyager 1 and 2 Launches

    Voyager 1 and 2 Launches
    The main goals of the spacecrafts were to explore Jupiter and Saturn. Voyager 1 visited both planets, and Voyager 2 visited both Uranus and Saturn as well as Jupiter and Saturn. Voyager is an area called the "interstellar galaxy" and is the first man made spacecraft to be there.
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    Venera 11 and Venera 12

    Launched to venus, the spacecrafts held instruments to study the solar wind composition, gamma ray bursts, uktraviolet radiation, and the electron density of the ionsphere of venus
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    Pioneer Venus

    Conducted two expirements- A neutral mass spectromenter and an ion mass spectromenter to study the composition of the atmosphere, it had 4 probes with 1 landing back
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    Venera 13 and 14

    Identical spacecrafts designed to study the interplanetary medium of venus
  • Magellan

    Designed to provide a clear look of the topography of Venus (at least 70%) It ended up mapping about 98% of venus' surface using a synthentic apertutre radar. Found that 85% of the surface is covered in volcanic flows.
  • Galileo launches

    Galileo launches
    This orbiter had an aim to study Jupiter and it's moons, which it successfully did. Galileo was also the first craft to an asteroid. Galileo's journey ended in 2003 when it was intentionally flown into Jupiter's atmosphere.
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    Mars Global Surveyor

    Operated on mars for more than 9 years designed to study the composition of mars, made a discovery of evidence of liquid water, made many indetifications of water related minerals
  • Cassini Launches

    Cassini Launches
    The Cassini was named after 17th century astronomer Giovanni Cassini. It was the first spacecraft dedicated to look at Saturn's system. Cassini made many discoveries such as finding extra rings on Saturn, finding evidence of liquid water on Enceladus.
  • Sojourner

    First small wheeled robot to study the surface of mars, was the size of a microwave oven, the rover sent more than 550 pictures of an area on Mars called ares vallis because it looked like an acient flood
  • The odyssey

    The odyssey
    Named after the book: "2001, A space odyssey" The odyssey launched in 2001 and is till kicking today. It has taken over 21,00 pictures over 8 years, finding evideence of salt, odyssey tracks mars' weather pattern as well.
  • Express

    The mars express was built more quickly then any planetary mission. The express was to produce a map of the mineral composition, and determine the effect of the atmosphere on the surface. Since 2004, the mars express has given an entirely new view of mars.
  • Spirit and oppourtunity

    Spirit and oppourtunity
    Identical rovers launched to search for the history of water on mars, both landed with the same payload of instruments