The first spotting of the moon through a telescope by Galileo Galilei
Seeing the moon through the first telescope allowed other telescopes to be developed such as Hubble and we can see how stars are created and how other planets and solar systems are created and destroyed. Telescopes such as Hubble can also tells us what other stars in our solar system are made of helping us understand how our world is created.- Galileo Galilei -
Robert H. Goddard launched the first liquid fueled rocket
Using liquid fuel allowed rockets and space shuttles to fly farther allowing us to send rockets into space to discover new things about are universe.-Robert H. Godard. -
The first research flight
This research flight allowed us to learn about how we need to build our space crafts and other space designs. -
The first animals launched into space
Fruit flies are similar to humans in many genetic ways as people and they reproduce quickly so many generations can be studied quickly. -
The soviot union launched the first satalite into space, Sputnik
Sputnik made Americans fear about nuclear war however it was also a part of the space race. America soon gave money to NASA to build and launch Exploerer, a satalite that found the magnetic radiation belts around Earth. -
USA's first space flight with humans
The United States is now able to explore space and test space flight with humans allowing them to pull ahead in the space race. -Alan Shepard -
The first soft landing on another planet/moon and the first photos from another world
The first soft landing means that there was no large areas of damage done to the space craft when it landed. The first photos of other planets allowed us to learn more about these planets and there surface features of that planet. -
The first artificial satalite around another world (the moon)
This satalite aloud us to look at the moons surface and see things that we can't see through a telescope because it is much closer to the moon and doesn't have to look through the clouds and the atmosphere. -
The first humans to orbit another world
The first humans to orbit another world means that we have the technology for slightly longer space flight and it means that we can get close to other planets and explore them from a slight difference. -James Lovell, Frank Borman, Bill Anders. -
First humans on the moon
The first humans on the moon allows us to explore other planets hands on. Buzz Aldrin, Niel Armstrong. -
Columbia was the first space shuttle to be launched
Space shuttles were sent to other planets and then back after that they would be broken beyond repair however they did allow people to be sent to other planets and collect minimal evidence to be taken back to earth to be studied. -
The core section of Mir was launched
This allowed Mir to be almost completed. Mir is a space station which allows people to stay in space for long periods of time and space stations have a larger careering capacity so it can hold larger amounts of items from space. -
The space shuttle Discovery deployed the Hubble space telescope
Hubble is a telescope that is kept in space and can see miles away with clear images of other planets and stars showing us how they are created and destroyed and the elements that they ar made of. -
The space shuttle Endeavor made the first servicing mission of the Hubble telescope
This servicing mission allowed Hubble to be able last longer, stay in space, and see farther with clearer images. -
NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander landed safely and began sending images home
This allowed us to see the physical portions of mars as well as letting us learn about the qualities of mars and similarities between mars and earth. With this mission scientist have already found ice on mars.