Big Bang
Big Bang happened for about 13.8 billions years ago. Big bang was important because it was the thing that made so our universe was created. -
When we discovered that the earth was round
It was in the time of the ancient Greeks that a man called Pythagoras discovered that the earth was round and not flat as people thought it was. This discovery was important because then we know that the earth is not flat and then people would know the truth about how the earth is formed. -
Mar 1, 1543
When we discovered that the earth was orbiting around the sun
In 1543 a man called Nicolaus Copernicus discovered that the earth revolves around the sun. But it was Nicolaus Copernicus that made it so people really believed that it was true. But the idea of the earth revolving the sun was from a greek astronomer called Aristarchus of Samos. This discovery was important because then we have a better knowledge about how the universe looks like. -
First living thing in space
The first living thing that have been in space was two dogs named Belka and Strelka. This was important because then we know that it's possible for people to go up in space and discover it. -
The first humans on moon
The first humans on moon was Neil Armstrong, Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin and Michael Collins they were the astronauts on Apollo 11. They were the first humans on our moon. This was important because then we know that it's possible to land on our moon.