Period: to
Space Timeline
A brief description of the accomplisments of Canadian space programs. -
First Canadian Hardware In Space
A U.S satellite was launched into space, it contained the first Canadian hardware in space a cosmic noise reciever. A cosmic nosie receiver detects random noises in the universe. -
Canadian Equipment On First American Astronaut's Ship In Space
The first american man in space, Alan B. Sheppard who visited space in his Freedom 7 capsule that contained a Canadian communication antennae known as STEM (storable tubular extendible mechanism). -
First Canadian Satellite In Space
The alouette satellite launch caused Canada to become the third country in the world with satellites in space. It was specifically used to transmit information to earth. -
First Weather Photo transmitted to Canada
The U.S satellite TIROS 8 became the first satellite in space to transmit a weather photo to Canada. Weather photos show picturs of weather on earth. -
Canada Becomes Founding Father Of The INTELSAT
The International Satellite Telecommunication Organization is created and Canada is a founding father. The INTELSAT seeks to manage and control many of the world's satellites.