Space Timeline

By s-rconn
  • Period: to

    Space Exploration Timeline

  • Sputnick Luanch

    First Sputnick launch on Oct. 4, 1957, while the last launch was on November 3rd, 1957. First Russian space program.
  • Mercury Launch

    First and only Mercury space program launched Oct. 7, 1958. NASA wanted to discover more about space.
  • 1st Venera Probe

    Probes were Russian made and they are significant because of the information we gained from them about Venus
  • Mariner Program

    Started 1962, first probe launched on July 22nd 1962 , Last mariner launched on November 1973. We learned the surface of Mars is hard.
  • Mars Rover Missions

    Since 1965 Scientists have wanted photos of Mars and thus created the desire to go to mars. This is significant because we then sent different types of rovers to mars to investigate.
  • Gemini Space Program

    The first and only launch of the Gemini program launched March 23, 1965, First U.S space program.
  • Skylab

    The skylab was sent into space on may 14th 1973. It is significant because it is the first space station from the U.S.
  • Viking 1 Space Probe

    It cost roughly a billion dollars but was significant because we learned that the surface of Mars is solid.
  • Viking 2 Space Probe

    It cost roughly a billion dollars but was significant because we learned that the surface of Mars is solid.
  • Space Shuttles

    First Space Shuttle was launched on April 12, 1981. Significant because first time we didn't use a capsule for the astronauts.
  • Magellan Spacecraft

    Cost 551 Million dollars, so when it got to Venus it radar mapped the surface. It is significant because it gave us info. about a planet we can't get to!
  • Galileo Space Craft

    Luanched from the Kennedy Space station in October of 1989. From it we learned about the planet Venus.
  • Hubble Telescope

    Hubble Telescope is launched into Space! First telescope ever in space!
  • NEAR Program

    Launched February 17, 1996. The goal was to learn more about an asteroid and they wanted to land on it!
  • Cassini Mission

    Venus (April 1998 – June 1999)
    Earth (August 1999)
    Jupiter (December 2000)
    Scientists now have a better understanding of planets with in our solar system
  • Genesis Space Craft

    First Craft launched August 8th 2001, while the second launched on September 8th, 2004. It was created to further our understanding of our solar system.