Sputnik Program
Soviet Union launching satellites into Space. Collected Dats and observed Earth. First exploration out of Earths atmosphere. The Americans also had similar missions like this -
Pioneer Program
15 probes that were launched that went all over our solar system -
Mercury Program
First U.S. Space program. The goal was to -
Mariner Progtam
A American space program to inveestigate mars, venus, and mercury -
First Venus landing
Viking probes were sent to orbit mars and to obtain pictures of the surface of Mars. -
Space Stations
Space stations by the Russian and U.S. Government -
Space Shuttle.
An alternative to rockets. Almost as a plane that goes into space. -
Magellan Space Program
A space program to venus to take pictures -
Genesis Sattelite
Space craft that launched and went into the Earths atmosphere -
Floew over the Gaspa and went to Jupiter -
Hubble Telescope
A giant camera that takes picture of space from space -
The NEAR misson
First Satellite to land on an Asteriod, Under the discovery system. Landed on the meteor Eros -
Mars Rovers
Rovers that were sent to explore mars and the Sojourner the first Rover to land on the planet -
Voyager 1 and 2
A American program that launched two probes into deep space -
Cassan launched