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Space Shuttle Timeline

  • When did the first women astronaut fly on the shuttle

    When did the first women astronaut fly on the shuttle
    In 1963 Velentina Tereshkova was the first women astronaut fly on the shuttle. Photo from google images
  • When was the first space walk from a space shuttle

    When was the first space walk from a space shuttle
    In 1965 Alexei Leonov was the first one to walk in space from a space shuttle. Photo from google images
  • The longest mission

    The longest mission
    The Voyager 2 probe started its mission in 1977 and still active and gets good looks of Jupiter Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and the moons of these planets. Photo from google images
  • The first space shuttle launched into orbit

    The first space shuttle launched into orbit
    The Columbia launched into orbit in April 12th 1981 became the the first space shuttle to launch. It was also the first launch of the 5 different space shuttles. Photo from google images
  • The disaster of the Challenger

    The disaster of the Challenger
    In January 28th 1986, tenth flight of Space Shuttle Challenger broke apart 73 seconds into its flight, killing all seven crew member. Photo from google images
  • The first Russian fly on the American space shuttle

    The first Russian fly on the American space shuttle
    On February 3th 1994 the Russian cosmonaut Serpe Krikalev was the first Russian to fly on the American space shuttle. Photo from google images
  • The first women to pilot the space shuttle

    The first women to pilot the space shuttle
    Eileen Collins become the first woman to pilot a space shuttle in May 15th 1995. The mission was STS -84 Atlantis. Photo from google images
  • The first women to command a space shuttle mission

    The first women to command a space shuttle mission
    Eileen Collins was the first to command a space shuttle mission it was STS-93 and it was launched in July 1999. Photo from google images
  • The Columbia Disaster

    The Columbia Disaster
    On February 1th 2003 the Space Shuttle Columbia disintegrated upon reentering Earth's atmosphere, killing all seven crew members. Photo from google images
  • The last space shuttle launched into orbit

    The last space shuttle launched into orbit
    the Atlantis launched into orbit in July 21th 2011. Photo from google images