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Space Shuttle
Columbia STS-1
The astronauts were John W. Young and Robert L. Crippen. The objective were to demonstrate safe luanch into orbit and a safe return. The mission was said to be a success. Because it demostrated a successful launch into orbit. -
Discovery STS-51
The Astronuts were on the Discovery spce shuttle. The astronauts on board were Frank L. Culbertson jr., William F. Readdy, James H. Newman, Daniel W. Bursch, and Carl E. Walz. The objective was to bring supplies to the Internation Space Station. The mission was a success. -
Endeavour STS-97
The astronauts were Brent Jett, Michael Bloomfield, Joseph Tanner, Marc Garneau, and Carlos Noriega. The objective was to send solar arrays to the International Space Station. They also wanted to connect it to the Space Station. The mission was a success. The space shuttle was called the Endeavour. -
Columbia STS- 107
This mission had 7 astronauts on board. They were Kalpana Chawla, Rick D. Husband, Laurel B. Clark, Lian Ramon, David M. Brown, William C. McCool, and Michael P. Anderson.This mission was cosiderd a failure because of the entry on Feburary 1st 2003 the vehicle and crew members were lost. The perpose for launching was for research, often that ment doing science experiments. -
STS-135 The Final Voyage
There were 10 astronauts that were onboard the space shuttle they were Chris Ferguson, Doug Hurley, Sandy Magnus, Rex
Walheim, Sathoshi Furukawa, Ron Garan, Mike Fossum, Andrey Borisenko, Alexander Samokutyaev, and Sergei Volkov. The objective of this mission was to send spare parts to the international space station and to investigate it. The mission was a successful.