Space Race timeline-Thomas Paddock

  • WWII

    The second world war. It involved many countries.
  • Soviet and US scientists developing technology (1950s)

    The Americans and Soviet scientists collaborated on new technology.
  • Space Race

    The Space Race was a competition of the US and Soviet Union for space-flight compatibility.
  • Sputnik Launch

    Sputnik was a satellite.
  • Ranger 1

    Ranger 1 was a prototype of a series of unmanned space missions.
  • Ranger 2

    Ranger 2 was a flight test of Ranger space crafts for lunar and interplanetary missions.
  • JFK's Challenge

    President John F. Kennedy set a challenge for scientists to make it to the moon.
  • Ranger 4

    Ranger 4's purpose was to transmit pictures of the moon's surface to Earth.
  • Ranger 3

    Ranger 3 was a space exploration mission to study the moon.
  • Ranger 5

    Ranger 5 was similar to Ranger 4, its purpose was to transmit pictures of the moon's surface to Earth.
  • Ranger 6

    First to get close up images of the moon.
  • Ranger 7

    First to transmit close up images of the moon to Earth.
  • Ranger 8

    Its purpose was to help get landing sites on the moon for future apollo missions.
  • Ranger 9

    Ranger 9 was a lunar probe.
  • Lunar Orbiter

    Photography of the moon.
  • Surveyor 1

    Surveyor 1's purpose was to land on the moon and gather information on the moon's surface for future apollo missions.
  • Surveyor 2

    Surveyor two was going to be the second American unmanned Surveyor program to explore the moon.
  • Surveyor 3

    Surveyor 3 was the third surveyor program on the moon.
  • Surveyor 5

    Surveyor 5 was the fifth lunar lander of the Surveyor program.
  • Surveyor 4

    Surveyor 4 was the fourth moon-lander of the surveyor program.
  • Apollo 12

    Second manned flight to the moon and sixth manned flight in the US.
  • Apollo 11

    Apollo 11 was mission where the first man walked on the moon.
  • Apollo 15

    Ninth apollo mission, it was the first use of a lunar rover.
  • Apollo 14

    Apollo 14 was the third mission to land on the moon and the eighth manned mission in the Apollo program.
  • Apollo 17

    Get the first man to walk on the moon.
  • Apollo 16

    Apollo 16 was the fifth mission to land on the moon and the tanth manned apollo mission.
  • International Space Station

    ISS is a low-orbiting, habitable satellite which astronauts live on now.
  • Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe

    The Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe was a space probe that measure temperature across the sky.
  • Spitzer Space Telescope

    The Spitzer Space Telescope is an infrared telescope launched in 2003 and still operating today.
  • New Horizons

    New Horizons is a space probe that is part of NASA's New Frontiers program.

    OSIRIS-REx is a asteroid study mission launched by NASA, its goal is to bring back a sample of at least 60 grams from the asteroid 101955 Bennu.
  • InSight

    InSight is an unmanned mission to study the interior of Mars.