Space Race Timeline

  • First Satellite

    First Satellite
    Launch of Sputnik 1 was launched by the Soviet Union. The launch of Sputnik 1 is important because it was the first space craft into orbit.
  • Laika

    First animal to orbit. This is important because it shows that you could have living things in space and in orbit.
  • First Solar Powered Satellite

    First Solar Powered Satellite
    First solar powered satellite went into orbit. This is important because it shows that you can have a solar powered satellite in space and into orbit.
  • First Rocket Engine Restart

    First Rocket Engine Restart
    First rocket enigine to restart in Earth's orbit. The first rocket engine to restart in Earth's orbit is important because it showed that you could restrt an engine in orbit.
  • First Satellite Recovery

    First Satellite Recovery
    First satellite recovered intact from orbit is important because it showed that you could have a satellite recovery.
  • First ship with radio-to-contact.

    First ship with radio-to-contact.
    First ship to have radio-to-contact, and first ship to use radio-to-contact. The first ship to have radio-to-contact is important because if something went wrong then the people in the rocket could let the other people know.
  • First Piloted Spacecraft

    First Piloted Spacecraft
    First piloted spacecraft in an orbit change. The first piloted spacecraft in a orbit is important because it showed that humans can go into orbit.
  • First Crew Exchange

    First Crew Exchange
    First crew exchange in space. This is important because it showed that a crew can exchange things in orbit.
  • Apollo 11

    Apollo 11
    Landing of the first humans on the moon. The landing of the first humans on the moon is important because it showed that humans can be on the moon.
  • First Man to Walk on The Moon

    First Man to Walk on The Moon
    First man to dance on the moon is important because it showed that humans can walk/dance on the moon.
  • First Human Crewed Mission

    First Human Crewed Mission
    First national human-crewed mission is important because it showed that humans can crew a mission in space.