Space Race [Evan]

  • First satellite in space by USSR

    First satellite in space by USSR
    Sputnik was the first satellite sent into space and was launched by the USSR.
  • First animal sent into space by the USSR

    First animal sent into space by the USSR
    The first animal sent into space was Laika and was sent up by the USSR on Sputnik 2.
  • First satellite sent into space by the U.S

    First satellite sent into space by the U.S
    The first satellite that the U.S ended sending up to space was Explorer 1.
  • Creation of NASA

    Creation of NASA
    NASA aka the National Aeronautics and Space Administration was formed amid the space race.
  • First animal sent into space by the U.S

    First animal sent into space by the U.S
    The first animal that the U.S ended sending up into space was Ham the chimp among Mercury-Atlas 5.
  • FIrst man sent into space by the USSR

    FIrst man sent into space by the USSR
    The first man that was eventually spent into space was one Yuri gagarin of the USSR among the ship Vostok 1.
  • First man sent into space by the U.S

    First man sent into space by the U.S
    Alan Sheppard was sent into space by the U.S on the ship Freedom 7.
  • JFK's Speech on commitment on reaching the moon

    JFK's Speech on commitment on reaching the moon
    During 1961 Kennedy gave a speech to congress in which he said that the U.S. "should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to the Earth. "
  • First man sent to orbit the earth (USA)

    First man sent to orbit the earth (USA)
    John Glenn was the first person sent into space to orbit the earth by the U.S on Mercury 7.
  • First man to do an EVA from the USSR

    First man to do an EVA from the USSR
    The first person to conduct a spacewalk was Alexei Leonov of the USSR which lasted 12 minutes and 9 secounds.
  • Gemini III

    Gemini III
    Gemini III was important as it helped further our understanding of Spacecraft maneuverability. [Virgil "Gus" Grissom, John Young]
  • First man to do an EVA from the U.S

    First man to do an EVA from the U.S
    The first person from the U.S to do a spacewalk was Ed White and it lasted around 20 minutes.
  • Gemini IV

    Gemini IV
    Gemini IV was important as was the mission that the U.S conducted their first spacewalk. [James McDivitt, Edward White]
  • Gemini IX Crew

    Gemini IX Crew
    The original gemini 9 crew ended that were slated for the mission ended up dying in a crash. [Elliot See, Charles Bassett]
  • Gemini VIII

    Gemini VIII
    Gemini VIII was important as it was the first to link two spacecraft together in space. [Neil Armstrong, David Scott]
  • Apollo 1 Crew

    Apollo 1 Crew
    During a launch rehearsal test a fire on the spacecraft ended up killing the crew. [Virgil Grissom, Edward White, Roger Chaffee]
  • Apollo 7

    Apollo 7
    Apollo 7 was the first crewed (successful) Apollo mission after the Apollo 1 accident. [Walter Schirra, Jr Donn Eisele, Walter Cunningham]
  • Apollo 8

    Apollo 8
    Apollo 8 was the first mission to bring humans to the moon and back. (they did not land) [Frank Borman, James Lovell Jr, William Anders]
  • Apollo 9

    Apollo 9
    Apollo 9 was known as the first crewed flight of all Apollo lunar hardware. [James McDivitt, David Scott and Russell Schweickart]
  • Apollo 10

    Apollo 10
    Apollo 10 was known for being the rehearsal for the first moon landing. [Eugene Cernan, John Young, Thomas Stafford]
  • Apollo 11

    Apollo 11
    Apollo 11 was the culmination of all the Apollo missions and was the first to land a man on the moon. [Neil Armstrong, Micheal Collins, Edwin Aldrin]