USSR launches Sputnik (received first signals from space)
Its purpose was to measure the density and composition of the upper atmosphere, as well as solar radiation, magnetic fields and cosmic rays. This ignited the Space Race within the Cold War. -
Sputnik 2 Is Launched
Sputnik 2 was the first spacecraft to carry an animal (a dog named Laika) and the USSR made history again by becoming the first to successfully send a living organism into orbit. This got the Americans tense and they began to panic because they were afraid that they were falling so far behind the Soviets technology that it would put them in danger of a strike using nuclear weapons. -
Explorer 1 Is Launched (USA)
Explorer 1 is the first American satellite to reach orbit is launched and it carried scientific equipment that leads to the discovery of the Van Allen radiation belt. The satellite marked a moment when the United States got its confidence back after a series of unsuccessful launches and the Soviet Union's successful launch of Sputnik. It signalled that the country was ready to explore the universe. -
Luna 3 Orbits the Moon and Photographs 70% Of Its Surface
A photocell was used to detect the Moon and orient the cameras towards it. Detection of the Moon signaled the camera cover to open and the photography sequence to start automatically. This guided the USSR to gain more information on the Moon and develop stronger technology for a better signal. Again, America was worried and afraid that they were very far behind. This was the first spacecraft that held cameras and took pictures of the Moon. -
USA Launches Tiros 1, The First Successful Weather Satellite
The Tiros 1 was NASA's first experimental step to determine if satellites could be useful in the study of the Earth. TIROS proved extremely successful, providing the first accurate weather forecasts based on data gathered from space. TIROS began continuous coverage of the Earth's weather in 1962 and was used by meteorologists worldwide. -
The USSR Sends The First Man To Space
USSR took a clear lead and gained the admiration of the whole world by sending the first man (Yuri Gagarin) into space, and he was the first to orbit the Earth. This was a great blow to the United States, which gave the Soviet Union another leap ahead in the “space race." -
President John F. Kennedy Challenges The Nation To Go To The Moon
President John F. Kennedy addresses Congress and challenges the nation to go to the Moon before the end of the decade. He knows that with the technology America has it is possible to get the first man ever on the Moon. This was a very strict mission, therefore, NASA needed new centers built, and new systems put in place to accomplish this task. So one of the things that were a result of that was the creation of an infrastructure. Kennedy did not want to lose this "race." -
USSR Spacecraft Luna 9 Becomes The First To Soft Land On The Moon
The successful landing allowed Luna 9 to send back the first-ever pictures from the surface of the Moon. This was important because not only did the USSR make it first to the Moon, but America was falling farther back with their mission slowly falling off of their shoulders. The cameras on Luna 9 allowed USSR to obtain information from the Moon and gave them a huge head start on the Moon. -
USA Surveyor 1 Soft Lands On The Moon
This spacecraft gathered data about the lunar surface that would be needed for the Apollo landings. This transmitted over 11,000 photos of the lunar surface to the Earth by using a television camera and a radiotelemetry system. This was important because this spacecraft caught America up with the USSR and gained even better quality in their photos. -
Neil Armstrong And Edwin Aldrin Become The First Men to Walk On The Moon
This moment was significant because it won the "Space Race." Although the Soviet Union launched the first satellite, and later the first man in orbit, the USA gained global prestige because of their accomplishment by landing humans on the Moon first. This was also a great advantage for the US and a very memorable moment for citizens during the Cold War.