sputnik 1 launch
first satellite ever launched in the whole world.This created new political,military,and scientific development (russia) -
Dog in space
largest animal sent to space but it died with no gear and within hours
this dog's name was laika -
first us satellite sucessfully launched
explorer 1 was the first satellite successflly launched by the us and they finally did the first thing russia did. send a satellite. -
NASA founded
This was the advance in technology for the us giving them a chance to beat russia in the space race -
monkey in space
first animal to go to space and return alive besides fruit flies.this also proved humans could survive in space with the right gear.(us) -
first man to orbit earth
This made russia serperior in the space race but this led to the us having time to land on the moon. yuri gagarin was this person -
first us man in space
alan shepard was the first us man in space.he caught the us up to russia -
First us man to orbit earth
john glenn was the first man to orbit earth and made the us cathch up in that part of the space race -
first woman in space
valentina teteshkova was the first woman in space and was on the russian side -
first spacewalk
the first space walk was by the russians and the russians are going to win on this track. -
first us spacewalk
ed white took the first us space walk. this was a really cool accomplishment -
gemini 7
the us was catching up with gemini 7 and there were 2 passengers -
apollo 8
apollo 8 was a mission that caugt up the us once and for all -
first man on the moon
Apollo 11 was the first crew on the moon and neil armstrong was the first to step out of the shuttle.