First Animal in Space
First Animal in spaceThe first animal in space proves that animals can live in space. -
Launch Of Sputnik
Lunch of SputnikThe launch of Sputnik is important becauuse it spured the U.S into launch its own satelites. -
First Human in Space
First human in SpaceThe first human in space proves that humans can live in space an make it back alive. -
First Spacewalk
First SpacewalkThe first spacewalk gives confidence to the world that it is possible to have life on other planets in space. -
The First Spacecraft to land safely on the moon.
The first spacecraft to land safely on the moonThe first spacecraft to land safely on the moon shows that
humans can land other spacecrafts on other planets and
find out more about them. -
All three Astronauts Suffer from Smoke Inhalation while Testing NASA's Apollo 1.
Smoke InhalationBecause it shows how dangerous being an astronaut is. -
Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin become the first peopleto walk on the moon.
First MoonwalkThe frist moonwalk is important because now we can
find out more about space. And to show the president
that NASA in making progress. -
The Soviet Union Launches Luna 16, the First Successful Automated Lunar Sampleretrieval Mission.
The Soviet Union launchesLuna 16, the first successfullautomated lunar sampleretrieval mission.This is important because now US has more competition
for the space race. -
The Last Men to Ever Walk on the Moon.
The Last Men to Ever Walk on the Moon.The last moonwalk is important because it tells us that we
need to go on the moon again. -
A Saturn V launches Skylab, the United States First Space Station.
A Saturn V launches Skylab, the United States First Space Station. Skylab is important because people learn could how to live and work in space for longer periods.