Space Race Jenahvive

  • First animal in space by USA

    First animal in space by USA
    The first animal sent into space by the US was a monkey named Albert ll that later died during landing because of a parachute malfunction.
  • First satellite by the USSR

    First satellite by the USSR
    "The Fellow Traveler" translated in english, a small ball less than 2 feet and weighing less than 200 pounds was the first satellite sent into space to orbit.
  • First animal in space

    First animal in space
    USSR sent Laika a dog up to space for a intended 10 day flight without knowing how to get her safely get her back to earth. They claimed she died from lack of oxygen but in 2002 it was found out she died from stress and overheating.
  • First US satellite

    First US satellite
    The first US satellite was launched, it made 12.54 orbits per day. It was 80in long and 6.25in in diameter. It made it's final orbit on May 23 1958.
  • Creation of NASA

    Creation of NASA
    Republican president and Democratic led congress came to an agreement about a civilian led agency to oversee America's non military space activities.
  • First man in space by USSR

    First man in space by USSR
    The USSR launched Yuri Gagarin into a single 108 minute orbit around the earth in a capsule called Vostok 1. He was launched in automatic mode because doctors didn't know the affects of gravity yet but he was given the code to go manual in case of emergency.
  • First man to orbit earth by US

    First man to orbit earth by US
    John Glen became the first American man to orbit earth in his Friendship 7 spacecraft that completed 3 orbits and landed later in the atlantic ocean safely.
  • First man in space by US

    First man in space by US
    The US launched the first man into space, Alan Shepard, he did not achieve orbit like Gagarin but he was the first launched into space.
  • JFK's speech & commitment to get to the moon

    JFK's speech & commitment to get to the moon
    He said there is space that needs to be climbed and new hopes for knowledge and peace and that they ask for God's blessing.
  • First man to do an EVA by the US

    The first American spacewalk was done by Ed White from the second crewed Gemini flight, he was out in space for 21 minutes. He was attached to his spacecraft by a tether and his oxygen was supplied through a 25ft tube.
  • Gemini mission ll

    Gemini mission ll
    It was the second uncrewed test mission, it primary goal was to test the spacecrafts re-entry module's heat protection during a maximum heating rate return.
  • First man to do an EVA by the USSR

    First man to do an EVA by the USSR
    The first man to do an EVA was Alexei Leonav who was sent by the USSR out into space and 12 minutes and 9 seconds outside of the Voskhod 2 spacecraft
  • Gemini 3

    Gemini 3
    Gemini 3 was the first earth orbiting crewed mission, in it was astronauts Gus Grissom and John Young. Their primary objective was to demonstrate the crewed qualifications of the Gemini spacecraft.
  • Gemini 7

    Gemini 7
    Gemini 7 was the fourth earth orbiting crewed mission, it's astronauts where Frank Borman and Jim Lovell on a 14 day mission. It's goal was to demonstrate a 2 week flight to perform stationkeeping.
  • Tragedy of the Gemini 9 mission

    Tragedy of the Gemini 9 mission
    The gemini 9 crew Command pilot Elliot See and pilot Charles Basset where killed in a crash while flying a trainer jet to a plant to check on their spacecraft.
  • Tragedy of Apollo 1

    Tragedy of Apollo 1
    The crew of Apollo 1 Gus Grissom, Ed White, and Roger Chaffee where killed in a fire in the command module while running pre flight tests.
  • Apollo 8

    Apollo 8
    Apollo 8 crew Frank Borman, James Lovell, and William Anders where the first humans to leave low earth orbit and reach the moon, they did not land on the moon but they did orbit it 10 times.
  • Apollo 7

    Apollo 7
    Apollo 7 crew Walter M. Schirra, Command module pilot Donne F. Eisele, and lunar module pilot R. Walter Cunningham successfully completed Apollo 1's set mission that they did not get to finish out of testing CSM in low earth orbit.
  • Apollo 9

    Apollo 9
    Apollo 9 was the third human spaceflight for NASA. The mission was flown to qualify the LM for lunar orbit operations in preparation for the first Moon landing. The crew consisted of Commander James McDivitt, Command Module Pilot David Scott, and Lunar Module Pilot Rusty Schweickart.
  • Apollo 10

    Apollo 10
    Apollo 10 was the fourth human spaceflight for NASA. It was intended to test all spacecraft components and procedures short of actual descent and landing. The astronauts where John Young, Thomas Stafford and Gene Cernan.
  • Apollo 11

    Apollo 11
    Apollo 11 was the first US spaceflight that landed humans on the moon, Commander Neil Armstrong and Pilot Buzz Aldrin. Neil Armstrong became the first person to step on the moon's surface.