Launch of Spunnik 1
This was important because it scarred the U.S into launching their own satalites. This began the competition between the USSR and U.S to have the control over space. -
Explorer 1 is launched by U.S
This was important because this was the first satalite from the U.S. -
NASA was formed
This was important because we needed to have control in space and this was the only people who could do that. -
JFK challenged NASA to go to the Moon
This was important because we wanted control of space more than the USSR and that would be the winner take all. -
NASA announces the Gemini Program
This was important because this program tested all equipment. -
JFK assassinated by Lee Harvey Ozwalt
This was important because JFK was the one who started NASA and who wanted to be in control of space. -
The first, Apollo 1 died in a fire while running a test
This was important because it show's we can still keep going after that tragic loss and how they can fix their mistakes. -
Apollo 11 lands on the moon 5 months before the decade was over
This was important because this is what won us control of space and that we can discover new things. -
Apollo 13's space module blew up and they were stuck in space
This was important because NASA can fix the mistakes they made on the shuttle. -
Nixion announces that NASA is working on a reusible space shuttle
This was important because this could revolutionize space exploration for ever.