Space Race -JB1

By boiss53
  • Launch of Sputnik 1

    Launch of Sputnik 1
    Why is this event important to space exploration?
    This is important because it spurred the U.S to launch
    its own satellits. This began the competition between
    the U.S and USSR to have dominance in space.
  • Explorer 2 is Lunched But Fails To Reach Orbit

    Explorer 2 is Lunched But Fails To Reach Orbit
    Why is this important?
    When Explorer 2 failed to reach orbit and failed to fire
    it motivated NASA to keep trying.
  • Luna 1 is Launched By The USSR it is The Frst Man Made Object To Orbit The Sun

    Luna 1 is Launched By The USSR it is The Frst Man Made Object To Orbit The Sun
    Why is this important?
    When Luna 1 was launched it was flying to the moon, but
    it missed the moon and became the first object to leave
    the geocentric orbit. It then came back and landed on the
  • John F. Kennedy is Eected The 35th President of The U.S.A

    John F. Kennedy is Eected The 35th  President of The U.S.A
    Why is this important?
    When President Kennedy was elected he funded NASA.
  • Gus Grissom is Launched In a Sub-orbital Flight

    Gus Grissom is Launched In a Sub-orbital Flight
    Why is this important?
    When Gus Grissom was launched it's capsule filled
    with water and sunk down after splashdown. It incouraged
    NASA to try again and build another one.
  • President Kennedy is Assinated

    President Kennedy is Assinated
    Why is this important?
    When President Kennedy was killed NASA had to find
    some other way for funding so they could continue
    building the Gemini 7.
  • Surveyor 1 Soft-lands on The Moon

    Surveyor 1 Soft-lands on The Moon
    Why is this important?
    When Surveyor 1 landed on the moon softly it was
    the first satealite to do that. It didn't crash or miss the
    moon. NASA was proud.
  • Venera 4 Transmits Data About The Atmosphere of Venus

    Venera 4 Transmits Data About The Atmosphere of Venus
    Why is this important?
    When Venera 4 came back with data about Venus it got
    NASA closer to how life could be in space.
  • The Crew of Apollo 7 Began A 10 Day Study About The New Space Craft.

    The Crew of Apollo 7 Began A 10 Day Study About The New Space Craft.
    Why is this important?
    The crew of Apollo 7 started to study the new space craft
    so they could be prepared for the launch the next year.
  • Neil Armstrong and Edwin BuzzAldrin Became The First People To Walk on The Moon.

    Neil Armstrong and Edwin BuzzAldrin Became The First People To Walk on The Moon.
    Why is this important?
    When Armstrong and Aldrin stepped on the moon Neil
    Armstrong said " One step for man, and One giant leap,
    for man kind." It was an success for NASA and the