launch of sputnic 1 1957 Oct,4 launch of sputnic 1
Spuntinc 1 spurd the U.S to launch it's own satilies .
This also began the computition between the U.S and
the USSR. -
Explorer 1, the first Americansadilite to reach orbit.
. Explorer 1 carried scientific equipment that lead to the
discovery of Van Allen radiation belt. -
Apr,12 Yuri Gagarin orbits the Earth once and becomes the first man in space. once and becomes the first man in space.
Yuri Gagarin being the first ,man in space is important
because that showed that a preason could be in space. -
President Kennedy give a speech at Rice University reaffirming the importance of the Moon program.
This speech was important because this should who ever
get to the moon first wins the space race. -
Ranger 7 transmits the first close range images of themoon.
Ranger 7 getting images of the moon is important because
it was first success, taking photographs of the moon until it
crashes into its surface four days later. -
Alexei Leonov spends 12 minutes outside of his Voskhod spacecraft performing the first spacewalk.
This was important because this showed that man
could be in spaceout of there ship. -
Luna 9 becomes the first spacecraft to soft-land on themoon.
This put the USSR in the lead of the Spcae Race. -
Gus Grissom, Ed White, and Roger Chaffee are killed when a fire ignites in their Apollo 1capsule while performing a teston the launch pad.
All three astronauts for NASA's Apollo 1 mission suffocate
rom smoke inhalationin a cabin fire during a launch pad test.
This made the U.S down but the didn't give up. -
The crew of Apollo 7 begin a 10 day mission to study the new spacecraft.
this was important because this ship put on the first T.V
brodcast. -
Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin become the first men to walk on the Moon while crewmate Michael Collins orbits around the Moon alone.
This ended the Space Race with the U.S.A winning the
Space Race.