Space Race-GM6

By mabb01
  • USSR launches sputnik 1.

    USSR launches sputnik 1.
    The launch of sputnik 1 in spirred the US to launch its The launch of sputnik 1 in spirred the US to launch its also marked the begining of the completition betweenthe U.S and the USSR to have dominance in space.
  • The U.S launches the first American satellite. The nameis ( Explorer 1 )

    Three U.S Astronauts (Michael Collins, Edwin Aldrin, and Neil Armstrong- are launched to the moon on board Apollo11. Armstrong and Aldrin land on the moon's surface andthe two astronauts are the first to walk on the moon.
  • Three American astronauts diedin a fire.

    Three American astronauts diedin a fire.
    Three Americans died in a launch pad fire: Virgil "Gus"Grissom, Ed White, and Roger Chaffee. As a result theUnited States launched no manned flights during the entireyear.
  • Apollo 8 is launched?

    Apollo 8 is launched?
    Apollo 8 is launched with astronauts Frank Borman,James Lovell, and Bill Anders. The Commade Modulerounds the dark side of the Moon.
  • Three U.S astronauts luanched to the moon (Apollo 11).

    Three U.S Astronauts (Michael Collins, Edwin Aldrin, andNeil Armstrong- are launched to the moon on board Apollo11. Armstrong and Aldrin land on the moon's surface and the two astronauts are the first to walk on the moon.