First sattilite launched by Russians
Period: to
Nasa was formerd
The US launches it's first sattelite the Exploer 1
<a href='' >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lLsZhxrFhYE</a> -
Luna 2 is Launched
First probe to land on the moon -
Yuri Gagarin Orbited Earth
First man in space orbiting Earth -
First American Woman in Space (not orbit)
Allan Shepard was the first American in space but unfortunately not in orbit. This put America ahead of the Soviets -
John F. Kennedy Announces his mission
Kennedy says in the next decade America will land a man on the moon -
John Glenn goes into space and orbits
First American to orbit Earth -
Sergey Korolyov the cjief engineer of the soviet space program dies
Luna 10 orbits moon
Socviet sattelite that was the first sattileite in history to orbit the MOON -
Three astronauts die during launch
Apolo 8 Launched
This was the first manned mission to leave erath's orbit. and orbit THE MOON -
Niel Amstrong, Edwin Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins land on the moon. -
The joint Apolo Soyuz meets
apolo mission that meets with a soviet craft.