Sputnik 1
Soviet Union launched Sputnik 1 into orbit on October 4, 1957. This is significant because this was what started Space Race. This led to the Space Race becuase Soviet Union entered into the Cold War game of spy-versus-spy that ultimately led to the space race. source: spacerace.com, http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/astrospies/time-nf.html -
Sputnik 2
Soviet Union launched Sputnik 2 into orbit with Laika on November 3, 1957. This is important because this proved that a living being can survive in space. source: spacerace.com -
Explorer 1
Soviet Union launched Explorer 1 into orbit on January 31, 1958.This is important because Soviet Union had made headlines again. US had two failed attempts to launched anything. source: spacerace.com, www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/astropies/time-nf.html -
Vostok 1
Soviet Union launched Vostok 1. Soviet launched the first human in space on April 12,1961. This was significant to the Space Race because the Soviets had such a big lead over the US. source: spacerace.com -
Freedom 7
Alan Shepard was the first American in space aboard Freedom 7 on May 5, 1961. This is significant to the Space Race becuase the US then knew that humans can live in space. source:spacerace.com -
President Kennedy's speech
President Kennedy made a speech and in his speech he said that the US has a goal to have a human on the moon before the decade is over. This did happen but sadly President Kennedy never lived to see it. source: spacerace.com, space firsts/ teacher.scholastic.com -
Friendship 7
John Glenn was the first American to orbit the Earth. This is significant because the US was collecting more info so they could send someone to the moon and bring him back safely. source: spacerace.com, space firsts/teacher.scholatic.com -
Mercury-Atlas 9
L. Gordon Cooper spends 34 hours in space. This is important because then the US knows now that humans can last more than a day and almost two days in space. This incouraged the US even more to send someone to the moon, source: spacerace.com -
Luna 10
Luna 10 becomes the first satellite to orbit the moon. This is important because the Soviet Union gets more info. source: spacerace.com -
Apollo 11
Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin walk on the moon. When they are on the moon they plant an American flag. This is important because this was the end of the Space Race. The US had came back and won the Space Race!! source: spacerace.com