The first to oribit the Earth.
In September 1962 about a year after soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin had become the first person to orbit the Earth! -
The wait for the Launch of Apollo 11
In 1969 people would bring their cars and tents and set up camp until they could witness the launch of Apollo 11. -
In 1969 there was an image taken of Buzz Aldrin's foot print from when he was on the moon. -
In the late 1960s, there was a parade being held in New York with Buzz Aldrin Neil Armstong and Micheal Collins. The parade was for them to make it back home safely. -
Event of Moon Disaster
July 18, 1969, is the day that we lost two brave men, Neil Armstrong, and Edwin Aldrin. They were up in space when there was a disaster that had happened and they knew that there was nothing that they or anyone could do to help them. -
American Flag
in the early 1970s, James Irwin was out on the moon and he had put an American flag out there. he did that when he had a lunar module and lunar rover going. -
Animals that went up to space
In the late 1950s NASA had sent up Diffrent animals up to space. They had sent up a dog and a monkey. -
Life on Mars becomes a reality
In the text, it says "17 years after the pioneering astronomer set out his hopeful vision of the feature in 1996 a company from the Netherlands is proposing to turn sagans dreams of reaching Mars into reality."Karen McVeigh (2013) -
The Space Race
"In the late 1950s to the mid-1970's the origins reached back to World War 2." (Lapham, 2014) In 1957 they sent up their first animal to space. The dog's name was Laika. She had not made it back to earth without dying. -
Katherine Johnson
Katherine Johnson started working at NASA. Johnson worked there for how smart she is in Mathematics. She is working there to help people solve problems that come up in their algorithms for space crafts.