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Space Race

  • First Satellite To Orbit Earth

    First Satellite To Orbit Earth
    Soviet Union created the first satellite to orbit the Earth . The satellite's name is Sputnik, which means "fefllow traveler of Earth." Sputnik can send radio signals, that means that the Soviets have rockets and can send them anywhere. Sputnik weighed about 184 pounds. After that happended it started the space race between the USA and the Soviet Union. http://teacher.scholastic.com/space/space_firsts/
  • Sputmik 2

    Sputmik 2
    The Soviet Union sent a dog up into space. The dog's name was Laika. Laika lived up in space for 7 days. That proved that human beings can live in space. Laika was put to sleep, and Sputnik two fell down the Eath the next year.
  • NASA anounces....

    NASA anounces....
    USA's NASA administrator, T. Keith Gleman, pubicly anounced their space flight program, and a task group was formed by a group of scientests and engineers from NASA. The announcement came just six days after NASA was founded.
  • Luna 2

    Luna 2
    Soviet Union's Luna two was the second in a series of spacecraftlaunched at the moon. Luna two was simular in dezign to Luna one, a circle shape form with antennae. The spacecraft also carried Soviet remains. http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/planetary/lunar/apollo1info.html
  • Tiros 1

    Tiros 1
    USA's NASA launches the first weather satelite, Tiros 1, for pictures for TV. It sent the very first images from space to the ground. Tiros 1 was an aluminum, and measured as 42 inches in diamiter, 19 inches high, and weighing 270 pounds. The photos were airlifted fast to Washington, D.C., to be showed to President Eisenhower.
  • First human in space

    First human in space
    Riding in the Soviet Union's Vostok 1, Yuri Gagarin becomes the first man in space. In case if spaceflight caused Gagarin to act strangly, the craft controls were locked. There was a key onboard in case of emergency. Vostok 1 shook fast when he was entering, but Gagarin didn't use the key. Once he was low enough, he got out and used a parachute to land. http://teacher.scholastic.com/space/space_firsts/
  • First American in Space

    First American in Space
    From Cape Canaveral, Florida { USA's } navy comander Alan Bartlett Shephard Jr. is launched on Fredom 7 , becoming the first american to travek in space. The flight lasted 15 minutes. And was a major victory for NASA. http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/the-first-american-in-space
  • The First Woman in Space

    The First Woman in Space
    The Soviets launched Valentina Tereshkova on Vostok 6. She spends three days alone in space. Her spacecraft comes within 3 miles of Valeri Boykovsky in Vostok 5. This is the first time two spacecraft have passed this close together.
  • First Space Walk

    First Space Walk
    Soviet Union launched Comsmonaut Alexey Leonov on his spacecraft, Voskhod 2, for 12 minutes. He was the first man to space walk in history. During his 12 minutes walk, Levon had no way to control his himself other than pulling on his 50.7-foot tether. http://www.edn.com/electronics-blogs/edn-moments/4410130/1st-spacewalk-takes-place--March-18--1965
  • 3 Men Are Killed

    3 Men Are Killed
    The crew of Gus Grisson, Ed White, and Roger Chaffee were killed in a fire on Apollo Command Mduleat Cape Carnaveral. The Apollo prgram was put on hold while they investigated what was the reason of the accident. What most likley happened was there was a spark in a bundle of wrires.
  • First Man On Moon

    First Man On Moon
    Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buss" Alsrin are the first men to walk on the moon. There was endless training and billion of dollars in envestment. The moon landing was the high point of space age and sing;e greatest accopistment to ever happen.