Space Race

By mitchjs
  • Sputnik

    The Soviet Union launched Sputnik (later referred
    to as Sputnik 1 ), the first artificial satellite.
  • NASA

    The National Aeronautics and Space Administration
    (NASA) was formed.
  • Luna 2

    The Soviet Union launched Luna 2, the first
    space probe to hit the moon .
  • Orbit Earth

    Soviet cosmonaut Yuri A Gagarin became the
    first person to orbit the earth .
  • Orbit the Moon

    The United States launched Apollo 8, the first
    manned space mission to orbit the moon .
  • Lunar Landing

    U.S. astronauts Neil A Armstrong and Edwin E.
    Aldrin, Jr., made the first manned lunar landing.
  • Period: to

    Further Exploration

    Further Exploration of other planets in the solar system by sending probes to planets to photograph the surface of the planet.