Explorer 1 (US) - first american satellite, unmanned
Sputnik 3 (USSR) - first data about Earth taken from orbit
Vostok 1 (USSR) - first manned space flight, Yuri Gagarin. One orbit of Earth (first person in space)
Mercury Freedom 7 (US) - Alan Shepard, first American in space
Gemini 4 (US) - first American. Space walk (21 minutes)
Venera 3 (USSR) - impacted venus on March 1, 1966: no data
Luna 9 (USSR ) - first soft landing on moon, returned surface photos of the moon
Surveyor 1 (US) - first america soft landing on moon, returned 11,240 photos
Apollo 5 (US) - first flight of lunar module (unmanned)
Zond 5 (USSR) - first satellite to fly around the moon and return to earth
Apollo 13 (US) - third manned landing attempt aborted due to oxygen tank explosion in service module.
Soyuz 9 (USSR) - set new duration record for manned space flight.
Salyut 1 (USSR) - first orbiting space station lab.
Mars 2 (US) - first vehicle to land on Mars
Pioneer 10 (US) - first successful flyby of Jupiter
Venera 8 (USSR) - landed on Venus and lasted long enough to transmit surface date.