Space Race

By JoJiCa
  • Sputnik 1 (USSR)

    Sputnik 1 (USSR)
    The Sputnik, which is made by USSR, was the first artificial satellite and the firts man-made signal was sent from orbit by this probe
  • Sputnik 2 (USSR)

    Sputnik 2 (USSR)
    The first animal sent with the Sputnik 2 in space was a dog which is an USSR dog.
  • Luna 1 (USSR)

    Luna 1 (USSR)
    Luna 1 is the first lunar spacecraft to made a flyby and that is also the first one to leave Earth's orbit.
  • Explorer 6 (USA)

    Explorer 6 (USA)
    Explore 2, which was sent by USA, took the first photography of Earth from orbit
  • Discover 14 (USA)

    Discover 14 (USA)
    The first spy photography from space was took by USA with the Discover 14 First aerial recovery of an object (the film) returning from Earth orbit
  • Vostok 1 (USSR)

    Vostok 1 (USSR)
    Yuri Gagarin is the fisrt human who has been in the spaceflight mission on an orbital manned vehicule.
  • Vostok 6 (USSR)

    Vostok 6 (USSR)
    Valentina Tereshkova is the first woman, the first civilisation who went in the space.
  • Mariner 4 (USA)

    Mariner 4 (USA)
    The first successful flyby mission on Mars, that was realised by Marriner 4
  • Apollo 11 (USA)

    Apollo 11 (USA)
    The 20 july of 1969 is an historical day because it is the first time that mens walked on the moon and returned some samples. In the same time First space launch from another celestial body
  • Luna 16 (USSR)

    Luna 16 (USSR)
    Luna 16 is the first automatic robot which returned samples from another celestial body, the Moon.