Space race

Space Race

  • Launching of Sputnik I

    Launching of Sputnik I
    The Soviet Union successfully launched Sputnik I.
  • First animal in orbit

    First animal in orbit
    First living creature launched into space. dogs name was Laika
  • First human in space

    First human in space
    Yuri Gagarin was launched into orbin around the Earth on Vostok 1
  • First American in Space

    First American in Space
    Alan Shepard was the first American in space. He was launched on Mercury-Redstone 3
  • First American to orbit the Earth

    First American to orbit the Earth
    John Glenn was the first american to orbit the earth. He was launched on the Friendship 7 spacecraft.
  • Vostok 3 and Vostok 4

    Vostok 3 and Vostok 4
    First dual piloted flights
  • Vostok 6

    Vostok 6
    The Soviet Union launched the first women in to space and the first civilian into space.
  • First multiperson spacecraft

    First multiperson spacecraft
    Voskhod 1 was launched with three cosmonauts.
  • First attempt of a Space Walk

    First attempt of a Space Walk
    The Soviet Union launched two Voskhod 2. The attempt to space walk was a fail, Alexey Leonov's space suit almost killed him.
  • Gemini 8

    Gemini 8
    the first docking of two spacecraft in orbit
  • Apollo 7

    Apollo 7
    Apollo 7 was the first manned mission in the Apollo space program.
  • Apollo 8

    Apollo 8
    Was the first mission to leave Earth's orbit and get captured by the Moon's orbit.
  • Apollo 11

    Apollo 11
    First Moon landing by Man
  • Apollo 13

    Apollo 13
    Apollo 13 was a mission intended to land on the Moon, but something went wrong and they had to abort the landing of the moon.
  • Apollo 17

    Apollo 17
    final launch to the moon and return. No other humans have been to the moon since then.