Sputnik 1
Sputnik 1 began the space age by being the first artificial (man made) satellite launched into space, “fellow traveler” was Sputnik’s original meaning but Sputnik also means “satellite” in modern Russian. -
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Sputnik to Robonaut2 (R2)
Apollo 11
Apollo 11 was a magnificent space invention, making history when it landed on the moon with the famous Neil Armstrong. On July 20th, 1969, four days after the launch, Neil Armstrong and his team landed on the moon, completing the first moon mission, advancing moon exploration. -
Space Shuttle
The Space shuttle has carried numerous people into space to complete missions. The Space shuttle finished it’s job in space with it’s final mission, STS – 135 on July 21st, 2011. -
Canadarm 1
Used on the space shuttle, the Canadarm was a magnificent mechanical arm in space to complete missions on the space shuttle. Capable of retrieving and deploying payloads in space, the Canadarm can retrieve and deploy up to 32.5 tons of payloads. -
Canadarm 2
The Canadarm2 was launched on the STS – 100 mission in April. Canadarm2 was said to have a bigger and better version of the robotic arm on the ISS. Canadarm2 now works on the ISS, along with Canadarm 1. -
Opportunity rover
The Opportunity rover went through the adventure from launching from Earth to landing on Mars with Spirit, Opportunity’s twin. After roving over Mars the 2 rovers completed the mission and responded on May 25th, 2011. -
Spirit rover
The Spirit rover was launched along with it’s twin the Opportunity rover on June 10th, 2003, and they both landed on Mars on January 3rd, 2004 beginning their mission. Spirit rover responded back to Earth on May 25th, 2011, completing the mission on Mars. -
Dextre was on the STS – 123 mission along with the Canadarm and Canadarm2. Dextre was named “The world’s most complex space robot”, Built with two arms, made by the Canadian Space Agency. -
Robonaut2 (R2)
Robonaut 2 or R2 was the very first humanoid robot launched into the ISS. Robonaut 2 also assists other humans in the ISS as well as doing some tasks himself.