Main science

space inventions

By kb1501
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    space inventions

  • V2 Rocket

    V2 Rocket
    Fired June 13th 1942 the V2 rockets was a secret German project . And hit England carrying thousands of pounds of explosives . and also it was the first rocket to reach100km the space barrier
  • Sputnik

    The satellite Sputnik a launched October 4th 1957 during the “cold war” . Some people in the United States thought it was for spying on theme at that time . And it ultimately started the space race .
  • Sputnik

    Sputnik 2 launched November 3rd 1957 contained a dog named Laika . To see if animal or humans could survive in space . It also had ultraviolet and x-ray sensors . it stayed 162 days in orbit .
  • NASA

    NASA started July 29th 1958 . Its a United States space program that has launched the most maned and unmanned satellites as an agency . NASA stands for National aeronautics and Space Administration.
  • Luna 2

    Luna 2
    Luna 2 launched September12th 1959 . was the first human made rocket to reach the moon . But when it got there it crashed and scattered spheres with flags on theme .
  • Satern V

    Satern V
    Saturn V first launched November 9th 1967 . Was taller then a 36 story building and is the largest liquid propelled rocket . It weighed 6.5 million pounds and launched imprtent payload into space.
  • Apollo 13

    Apollo 13
    Apollo 13 April 11th 1970 suffered an explosion . and the crew used what was on board to make it back to earth safely . an oxygen tank ruptured was the cause of the explosion stopping them from being the 3rd moon landing.
  • Hubble Telescope

    Hubble Telescope
    Hubble telescope launched April 24th 1990 . Helped find planets stars and asteroids and still dose today . it has a series of cameras for measuring ultraviolet visible and infrared signals.