Feb 19, 1473
Copernicus was a mathematic and scientific person. Copernicus lived at a place called Poleland. -
First man landing on the moon
The first man to walk on the moon was called Neil Armstrong. -
Sputnik 1 - First Satellite Launched
It was the first satellite in orbit. It was a 58 cm diametre mental polished sphere. The maximum speed was 29,000. -
Sputnik 2
First animal in orbit. The dog that went on sputnik 2 was a dog that was called Lailika. -
First Dog in Space.
The first dog in space was called Laika. She went to orbit when she was 3 years old. -
First Person to be an Astronaut
The Americans first flew out to space but the first Astronaut was a Russian callled Yuri Gagarin. -
Vostok 1
Vostok 1 was for the first person in orbit. He was named Yuri Gagrine. -
First woman in space.
The first womans name was called Valentina Tereshkova. She flew in Vostox 6. She spent three whole days in space. -
First Cat in Space
Felicette was the first space cat. -
Apoll 11
First landing in orbit. He was called John Glenn.