the Sputnik is launched into space with its inhabitant Laika (a dog) -
Venera Space Program
Mercury Project
yuri gagarin rides the mercury 7 -
a two person space craft is orbit launched into -
Mariner Program
Viking Probes
Voyager Probes
the Voyager 1 is launched -
Space Shuttle
Space Station
Mars Exploration Rover
the Mars Exploration Rover is launched to Mars. -
Pioneer Program
the poineer program launches its first space craft into outer space -
Magellin Project
the Magellin probe is launched to map Venus -
Mars Exploration Rover Returns
after succesfully driving on Mars, the exploration rover returns to earth. -
Galileo Project
Hubble Space Telescope
The Hubble Space Telescope is launched in Cape Canaveral, Florida. -
N.E.A.R. Mission
the near mission is launched.