The first telescope was made by Hans Lippershey
Period: to
1609 to 1956
The first time the moon was spotted.
Issac Newton created the first reflecting telescope.
The first liquid fueled rocket was launched by Robert H. Goddard
The Us reaches its first high altituted of 50MH (MH Stands for Miles High)
The fist dog was launched to the moon and did not return alive.
Period: to
1957 to 1981
The USSR launched the first artificial saellite
John Glenn becomes first man to orbit in space.
Pioneer 10 was launched to Jupiter.
The US viking probes landed on Mars
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1981 to present day
Columbia was the first to launch their space shuddle.
NASA launched a Phineox mars lander.
The Juno Mission was launched
Luner orbiter was launched
Mars scout mission orbiter.