First telescope
History of the telescope. Early depiction of a "Dutch telescope" from 1624. The earliest known working telescopes appeared in 1608 and are credited to Hans Lippershey. Among many others who claimed to have made the discovery were Zacharias Janssen, a spectacle-maker in Middelburg, and Jacob Metius of Alkmaar. -
The first spotting
The first spotting of the moon through a telescope by Galileo Galilei -
launched liquid fueled rockets
Robert H. Goddard launches first liquid fueled rockets -
Flight launched
First research flight launched by the U.S -
First animal launched
First animals launched into space, fruit flies, by the U.S -
Luna 1 was the first spacecraft to reach the Moon -
Launch of first person
Launch of Neal Armstrong in the rocket -
The first space walk
The first space walk is made from Soviet Voskhod 2
By Cosmonaut Alexei A. Leonov. Duration is 12 minutes, USSR misson: Voskhod 2 -
first spaceflight fatality
the first spaceflight fatality.
Vladimir M. Komarov, in the Soviet Soyuz 1 crashed and killed him. -
First 3 men on moon
Jul 17 1969
Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin, Jr. make the first manned soft landing on the Moon, and the first moonwalk, using Apollo 11
Misson: Apollo 11, US NASA, Armstrong and Alrdin are the first americans on the moon. -
First photograph of the whole solar system
Feb 14 1990
First photograph of the whole solar system
M[isson: Voyager 1 U.S NASA, Voyager 1 takes the first photo of the entire solar system -
First orbit of Saturn
Jul 1 2004
First orbit of Saturn
mission: Cassini–Huygens, NASA (US), ESA, and ASI the unmanned spacecraft completes its orbit after being sent out in october 17th, 1997 -
First man made probe in space
Aug 12 2012
First manmade probe in interstellar space
Misson: Voyager 1, NASA U.S the Voyager 1 reaches out of the solar system. -
First man probe to land on a comet
Nov 12 2014
First manmade probe to land on a comet
Misson: Philae lander, ESA The Philae is carried onto the comet by the Rosetta Probe