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Space Exploration Timeline

  • Telescope Invention

    Telescope Invention
  • First satellite launched into space

    First satellite launched into space
    The first satellite was launched into space by the Soviet Union, the name of the satellite was Sputnik I.
  • Dogs Strelka and Belka come back to Earth. First living things that came back to Earth alive.

  • The spacecraft Mariner 4 transmitted the first pictures of Mars

    The spacecraft Mariner 4 transmitted the first pictures of Mars
  • OAO-2 Launched

    OAO-2  Launched
  • First Moon Landing

    First Moon Landing
  • The Soviet Venera 7 became the first probe to land on Venus.

    The Soviet Venera 7 became the first probe to land on Venus.
  • First U.S space station launched into space

    First U.S space station launched into space
  • Voyager 2 gets pictures of Uranus

    Voyager 2 gets pictures of Uranus
  • Hubble Telescope Launched

    Hubble Telescope Launched
  • Mars Pathfinder go to Mars and later got photos

    Mars Pathfinder go to Mars and later got photos
  • SpaceX Falcon 9 Launched

    SpaceX Falcon 9 Launched