Space exploration


  • Sputnik 1

    Sputnik 1
    The mission for sputnik 1 was to be the first artificial satellite to successfully achieve earth orbit.
    The purpose of this mission was to measure the density and composition of the upper atmosphere.
    Sputnik one was important because because it was the first artificial satelite to achieve earth orbit.
  • Explorer 1

    Explorer 1
    The mission for Explorer 1 was to prove the U.S. could launch a satellite.
    The purpose of the mission was to to survey Earth orbit as to temperature and radiation.
    Explorer 1 was important because it was a mission to prove that the USA could send a satelite into space.
  • MecuryFreedom7

    The mission of MecuryFreedom7 was to determine man's capabilities in a space environment.
    The purpose of the mission was to see how a man could survive in space.
    This mission is important because it determines human capabilities in space.
  • Gemini 3

    Gemini 3
    Gemini 3 mission was meant to lead to Apollo.
    The purpose of this mission was to lead to apollo.
    This mission was important because it lead to the moon landing
  • Apollo 11

    Apollo 11
    Apollo 11 mission was to land on the moon.
    its purpose was to be the first USA shuttle to land on the moon.
    The mission was important because it was the first to land on the moon.
  • Viking 1

    Viking 1
    The mission was to land on mars.
    The purpose of this mission was to observe mars.
    This was important because it was the first to land on mars.
  • voyager 1

    voyager 1
    its mission was to study the outer solar system.
    the purpose of this mission was to explore outside the solar system.
    This mission was important because it could see what its like outside the solar system.
  • columbia space shuttle april 12 1981

    columbia space shuttle april 12 1981
    its was a regular orbital flight.
    this mission was important because it disinegrated.
  • mars pathfinder

    mars pathfinder
    its mission was to land on mars
    its purpose was to rove searching for data
    it was important because it the first rover on mars
  • international space station

    international space station
    its mission was to orbit around space
    its purpose was to serve as a satelite
    it is important because it served as a satelite
  • spirit and oppurtunity

    spirit and oppurtunity
    its mission was to land on mars
    the purpose was to search for life on mars
    this was important because it was the second rover to land on mars
  • kelper

    its mission was discover Earth-like planets
    its purpose was to locate planets like earth
    its important because there could be a chance for human survival if they find one.
  • cuiriosity

    its mission was to explore planet mars.
    its purpose was to observe
    and was iportant because it was the most reent launch to mars.