
Space Exploration Timeline

By lewid85
  • soviets were the greatest rival to the u.s.a. in politics and military power.

    soviets were the greatest rival to the u.s.a. in politics and military power.
  • Period: to

    Space Exploration

  • Sputnik 1 was launched

    Sputnik 1 was launched
  • Explorer 1 was launched by the US.

    Explorer 1 was launched by the US.
  • N.A.S.A. was created

    N.A.S.A. was created
  • Soviets launched Vostok 1

    Soviets launched Vostok 1
  • Alan Shepard was the first human in space, in Freedom 7

    Alan Shepard was the first human in space, in Freedom 7
  • John glenn was the first American to orbit Earth.

    John glenn was the first American to orbit Earth.