Galileo used a telescope to discover and study jupiters four main moons, the moons craters, the milky way galaxy, and he observed sunspots. -
First Intercontinental Ballistic Missile
The Soviet Union launches the first Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM). Known as the R-7 Semyorka, it travels a total distance of 6000 km (3728 miles). A modified version of this missile would be used later to launch the world's first artificial satellite. -
First Sputnik
This was the first artificial satellite ever put into orbit. Sputnik 1, shown in Figure below, sent out radio signals, which were detected by scientists and amateur radio operators around the world. The satellite stayed in orbit for about 3 months, until it burned up as a result of friction with Earth’s atmosphere. -
First Artificial Satellite
The USSR beat the United States into space by launching Sputnik 1. At 184 pounds, it was the world's first artificial satellite. Sputnik transmitted radio signals back to Earth for only a short time, but it was a major accomplishment. -
First Live Animal in Space
Following the success of Sputnik 1, the Soviets launched Sputnik 2 on November 3, 1957. The spacecraft contained a pressurized container that housed a dog named Laika. The capsule contained a controlled atmosphere, food supply, waste collection system and biological sensors. Laika lived 8 days until the food supply ran out, and proved that animals could survive in space. -
Second Sputnik
started the Space Race between the USSR and the USA. Americans were shocked that the Soviets had the technology to put the satellite into orbit. They worried that the Soviets might also be winning the arms race. On November 3, 1957, the Soviets launched Sputnik 2. This satellite carried the first living creature into orbit, a dog named Laika. -
Voyager 1 Arrives at Saturn
The Voyager 1 spacecraft arrives at Saturn and begins sending back extraordinary images of the ringed planet and its many moons. -
Started Designing Galileo
Galileo was designed to make the first study of Jupiter and its moons and magnetosphere from orbit. The orbiter carried 10 science instruments and a atmospheric probe. (The mission had sucseeded). -
Soviets Space Stations
The Soviets put a total of seven Salyut space stations into orbit. These were all temporary stations. They were launched and later inhabited by a human crew. Three of the Salyut stations were used for secret military purposes. The others were used to study the problems of living in space. -
Firt Venus Soil and Sound Samples
The Spviets Venunera 13 lands on Venus and recives sound and soil samples. The first the forst soud and soil samples fro another planet. -
First Reuseable Spacecraft
First Reusable manned spacecraft (orbital ) -
NASA is seeking proposals for the development of new, more capable, energy storage technologies to replace the battery technology that has long powered America's space program. -
Soace Luanch
Russia Failed: 2 Total Launched: 28
U.S.A Failed: 1 Total Launched: 21
China Failed: 0 Total Launched: 8
Europe Failed: 0 Total Launched: 6
India failed: 0 Total Launched: 4
Japan Failed: 0 Total Launched: 3
Isreal Failed: 0 Total Launched: 1 -
First Probe to Land on Comet
First manmade probe to land on a comet -
X-Rays for Travel and Talk in Space
NASA scientists say they have figured out a way to use X-rays to both communicate with long-distance spacecraft, as well as navigate as they sail past the outer limits of the solar system.