Sputnik Mercury, and Gemini missions
• NASA was involved and sputnik was launched in the soviet union • The Gemini was also lunched in the united states• It was created to see if man could go into space• The sputnik started the space race• (January, 1962) -
mariner program
• They went to mars Venus and mercury
• The missions went from 1962- 1973
• Created and lunched in America by NASA
• We compared our planet to earth
• They had computers on earth to control them -
Space stations
Space stations
• There are 6 space stations
• They were made to prove that humans could live and working space
• China created a space craft as well -
• It cost one billion dollars• Studied mars• Took the first picture of mars• There were things created on mars that look like water had formed it• It was launched in cape Candara in Florida• All they knew about mars was that it was a big red planet• Viking one lasted for five years and Viking two lasted for three years -
space shuttles
• NASA was the only one involved• It cast 196 million dollars• 135 launched• All of them launched in Florida• This happened on April 14 1981• And it ended on July • This happened because they were bringing cargo and astronauts to space -
• NASA was mainly involved• It cost 551 million dollars • Landed on Venus• Venus was earth’s planetary twin• Light could not pass through the surface and the space Venus once contained water• Was made of parts from other space crafts -
galileo space craft
• It was built to study Jupiter• This space craft was built by NASA• I was made to enter another planet’s atmosphere • Probes were sent for much longer missions• Launched October 18 1989• Arrived at Jupiter December 7, 1995• They used gravity to help them get there -
galileo spcecraft
• It was built to study Jupiter• This space craft was built by NASA• I was made to enter another planet’s atmosphere • Probes were sent for much longer missions• Launched October 18 1989• Arrived at Jupiter December 7, 1995• They used gravity to help them get there -
voyager one and two
• Cost 893 million dollars• They traveled 14.7 billion km• Voyager 2 was launched before voyager 1• Went to Jupiter, Neptune, Saturn, Uranus, and 48 moons• Collected 5 trillion bits of data / -
hubble telescope
• The cost was 2.5 million dollars • It was used to take picture of space so that they could see more in space• In 1985 the Hubble was completed • It would orbit the earth which were transferred to earth• The Hubble was launched into space attacked to the space shuttle discovery -
cassini mission
they tried to get a probe to saturn -
the gennisus program
• Crashed into Oregon • Brought the first samples from space other than the moon • They collected secretion elements from the sun • This mission changed the way scientist’s saw the elements of the sun • Crashed on Septembers eighth • It crashed because the parachute did not deploy -
near mission
• NASA was a small piece of the mission• They wanted to examine an asteroid was launched • It was launched in Florida• We chose Eros because it was the closest asteroid • The shoemaker orbited Eros 230 times -
marz exploration
• NASA what the main cooperation
• They sent two rovers to land on Mars
• It was sent into space June tenth2003
• It lost it’s front wheel
• They wanted it to collect scientific material
• They used an parachute
• It was Solar powered4
• It is still on mars collecting data