
Space Exploration Timeline

  • Period: to

    Space Exploration Timespan

  • Sputnick, Mercury, Gemini

    These missions led to the creation of NASA. Total of 12 missions. The cost of all the projects combined was 1,280 million dollars. They practiced different landings including the moon landing.
  • Pioneer Program

    NASA created the program. The most successful of the pioneers were 10 and 11, they are still going today. The missions cost a totatl of 350 million dollars.
  • Venera Space Probes

    Sent to explore Venus. Largest effor tmade to study another planet. It was launched from the Soviet Union and Paris. 16 total launches. First successful launch was the Venera 4. Functioned by withstanding high temperatures and pressure. Only ocudl receive a few hours of data before the probes crashed.
  • Apollo Spacecraft

    NASA was involved int his mission. The President wanted our country to be the first to land on the moon and so they tried their best to work as quickly as possible. Yuri Gargarin was the frirst man to orbit the Earth.
  • Mariner Space Program

    (By the way the Month and Day is incorrect for the timeline because they didn't include this in their notes or presentation but the year is correct). Sent by the US. Launched in Florida. 451 million dollars. Sent to investigate Mars, Venus, and Mercury.
  • Mars Exploration Rover

    Run by NASA. Rover created to explore the surface of Mars. Hundreds of sceintests hired to track the rovers. 38 tries to Mars, most fialed. Sceintists wanted to know what life was like on mars. During the 5th mission, the rover stuck to Mars. 820 million dollars was spent for the missions.
  • Viking Probes

    Run by NASA. it was sent to collect dark spots, believed to be small life forms on Mars. Cost overall was 1 billion dollars.
  • Voyager Probes

    Sent to explore Jupiter and Saturn. Both missions cost 250 million each. The USA was the only country involved. Voyager 1 waz the most distant human made object in space (from Earth).
  • Magellan Spacecraft

    NASA was the group involved. The purpose oft eh spacecraft was to orbit Venus. It was the first spacecraft to take images of Venus. Over the course of 4 years Earth had receive dimages from 95% of Venus from this spsacecraft. We gained highly detailed maps. The spacecraft was built from scrap metal from other missions
  • Galileo Spacecraft

    Created to study the planet Jupiter and it's moons. It was named after Galileo the scientist. The mission recieved 14, 387 images of Jupiter/Moons.
  • Hubble Space Telescope

    NASA, European Space Agency, Space Telescope Operations Center was involved. Developed to take pictures of space, it orbits Earth. Cost 2.5 billion dollars. Made in California, launched in Florida.
  • Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous

    Run by NASA. Found out that some of the surface of Eros collapsed. Final cost over 224 million dollars.
  • Cassini Missions

    NASA was involved in the Cassini Missions. The European Space Researcha nd Technology Center was also involve.d It was sent to collect information about Saturn. It was also the first ship to ever go into orbit with Saturn.They learned that Titan is the only known moon with a dense atmosphere.
  • Space Station

    Designed to be occupied by a crew for extended periods of time and used as a base for space exploration, observation, and research. 16 different countries involved. Helped us learn more about space and what it would be like to live in space.Largest man made item in space.
  • Genesis

    Nasa was invovled in the Genesis. The Genesis was made to observe solar wind and collect wind samples. Don Burnett was the principle of the mission. From this they learned what planets were formed by. The ending resulted in a crash landing.