
Space Exploration

By morr31
  • Soviets Launch Sputnik 1

    Soviets Launch Sputnik 1
    This was important because it started the Space Race and was the very first artificial satelight. Also, it made the Americans scared because they thought that there was a possibility of a nuclear bomb from space that could be aimed for them.
  • Americans Launch Explorer 1

    Americans Launch Explorer 1
    This is important because it was the very first American Spacecraft in space. This meant that we could figure out things about space that we couldn't before. Lastly, it meant that the Soviets wouldn't have as much power over us.
  • NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) was created (Americans)

    NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) was created (Americans)
    NASA being created was important because it makes it so that the future spacecrafts could be made. Also, because it made it so that we could catch up with the Soviets in the Space Race.
  • Yuri Gargarin Becomes First Man In Space (Soviets)

    Yuri Gargarin Becomes First Man In Space (Soviets)
    He was the first human in space in Vostok 1. This was important because it proved that a human can safely go into space..
  • Soviet's launch Luna 2

    Soviet's launch Luna 2
    This was important because it was the first space probe to land on the moon. Also, it helped make the idea of man walking on moon for the Americans.
  • Luna 3 is Launched (Soviets)

    Luna 3 is Launched (Soviets)
    This is important because it photographed about 70% of the moons surface, making it so that in the future people can figure out where to land.
  • Alan Shepard Becomes First American in Space

    Alan Shepard Becomes First American in Space
    This was important because it helped Americans keep up with the Soviets in the Space Race.
  • John F. Kennedy Challenges Nation to Land on the Moon (Americans)

    John F. Kennedy Challenges Nation to Land on the Moon (Americans)
    This was important because it was the first step to landing on the moon. Also, it would mean beating the Soviets at the space race.
  • First Manned Spacecraft to Orbit Moon (Americans)

    First  Manned Spacecraft to Orbit Moon (Americans)
    This was important because it was another important step to landing a man on the moon. Also, it would mean beating the Soviets in the space race.
  • Neil Armstrong Becomes First Man to Walk on Moon (Americans)

    Neil Armstrong Becomes First Man to Walk on Moon (Americans)
    This was important because US beat the Soviets to landing on the moon, thus winning the Space Race and acheiving their goal.