Period: 476 to 550
Aryabhata was a mathermatician and a astronomer.Aryabhata first to advanced astronmical knowledge.He argues that the planets move elliptical paths the moon and the planets shine by the sun. -
Period: Feb 19, 1473 to May 24, 1543
Copernicus is a mathmatician and a astronomer. He was born in Torun,Poland.He has made his own model of the solar system and around 1514 he shared his findings of the solar system. -
Period: Feb 15, 1564 to
He was born in Monastery school at Vallombrosa,University of Pisa.Galileo was a mathematics professor which studyed physics.He also constructed telescopes and supported copernican.which supports a sun centred solar system. -
The CSIRO stands for commonwealth science and industrial research organisation.CSIRO researches the life of stuff like the ocean and the energy. Which have been working on sites all over the nation. -
Period: to
Yuri Gagarin
He was the first man to go to the as a mission called vostik 1.His full name is Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin and has 3 children. -
Tidbinbilla is a park not long off Canberra.It was built in 1936 when it was first built.It keeps all of the habitat in the park and is a really good living space for many animals. -
The first animal in space.
The first animal in space was a fruit fly Which was launched in a v2 rocket into the solar system.In 1942,And the scientist were investigating what would happen. -
The Apollo Mission
The date up here is the first time they tryed to get a human into space.18th of May was the second time they tried to get a human on the moon.Plus at the same time to bring them back to earth safely.The six of the missions 11,12,14,15,16 and 17 achieved there goal but the rest didn't quite do it. -
The first space shuttle mission
The first space shuttle mission was the (STS-1)It flew on the 12 of March 1981.Plus they achieved a trophie out of it and many more.But the last mission was in 2011.The different to the space shuttle mission is that a disaster occured in January the 28th 1986 something broke in 73 seconds into the flight. -
sir edmond Halley was named after and was quite a discoverer.And he could make another appearance in 1758. The comet apeared as predicted and is now known as Comet Halley.And his prediction came true. -
Nasa stands for National Aeronautics and Space Administration.Nasa makes a lot of different things like sattelites and helps scientists learn more about the plane system and Nasa sends probes out to space. -
space shuttle and spacecraft.
A spacecraft is a name for a veihcle.The first US space shuttle in 1981 and was the first space shuttle launched in the US.And as the 1st reusable space craft. -
How many space shuttles are there
In October 2009 there were 3 space shuttles left in there fleet. Columbia and Challenger were also destroyed but we don't exactly know how many space shuttles are still operating. -
why is Pluto no longer a planet
Since 1930 Pluto is confucing.Well Pluto is smaller then the earths moon.It is rough and rocky like nearly all the other planets.Pluto is also the outer most ring of all the planets and not next to any planets.This was dicovered in 1930 and that was dicision.