
Space Exploration

By cb20359
  • Period: to

    Early Space Exploration

  • Galileo Galilei Observes the Night Sky

    Galileo Galilei Observes the Night Sky
    The first telescope observation of the night sky leads to discoveries including lunar craters and the phases of Venus.
  • Isaac Newton Publishes the Philosophæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica

  • The First Telescopic Photograph of The Moon

  • Goddard Launches First Liquid-fueled Rocket.

    Goddard Launches First Liquid-fueled Rocket.
  • Hermann Oberth Launches His First Liquid-fueled Rocket.

  • First Soviet Rocket is Launched.

  • First Rocket to Enter Outer Space.

    The V-2 military program launch a rocket that crosses the Kármán Line into Outer Space.
  • First U.S-designed Rocket to Reach the Edge of Space.

    First U.S-designed Rocket to Reach the Edge of Space.
  • The First Artificial Satellite Receives Signals from Space.

  • The Dog Laika Launched Into Space.

    The Dog Laika Launched Into Space.
    Laika was the first animal to be sent into space.
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    The Space Race

  • The First Picture of Earth from Orbit is Taken.

  • First Animals to Return from Orbit.

  • The First Human Spaceflight is launched by the Soviet Union.

    The First Human Spaceflight is launched by the Soviet Union.
  • First Close Up Photos of Another Planet.

    The first pictures of another planet are taken. The planet is Mars.
  • The First Docking Between Two Spacecrafts

  • First Automated Docking

    This was the first of many crewless dockings such as the rover on Mars that is controlled by NASA.
  • The First Human Landing On The Moon

    The First Human Landing On The Moon
  • First Lunar Rover

  • The First Space Station To Begin Orbitting In Space

    The First Space Station To Begin Orbitting In Space
  • The First Pictures Of Another Planet Are Taken

    During the first orbit around Venus, NASA managed to take photos from the planet's surface.
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    Space Exploration Today

  • STS-1 Is The First Reusable Spacecraft

  • The First Long-Term Research Space Station Is Launched By The USSR

    The First Long-Term Research Space Station Is Launched By The USSR
  • The First Photograph Of The Entire Solar System Is Taken

  • The First Operational Rover Landing On Another Planet (Mars)

    The First Operational Rover Landing On Another Planet (Mars)
  • The First Landing On An Asteroid

  • The First Sample Returned From Comet

  • First Sample Returned From Asteroid

  • First Manmade Probe In Interstellar Space

  • Final Original Flyby Of Planets Recognized In 1981 (Pluto)

    Final Original Flyby Of Planets Recognized In 1981 (Pluto)
  • First Space-Grown Food Is Eaten