space exploration

  • Period: 476 to 550


    Aryabhata wrote a book on astronamy and mathmatics.
  • Period: Feb 19, 1473 to May 24, 1543


    In the early 1500s everyone thought that the earth was the centre of the universe but Copernicus thought otherwise.
  • Period: Feb 19, 1473 to


    Galileo discovered that the earth orbits the sun and that it wasnt the other way around with just a 5 centremetre lens telescope
  • Commet

    commets are basicly dusty snowballs that orbit the sun.A halleys comet is a comet visible from earth in 75 - 76 years.Halleys comet is named after Edmond G. Halley who was the first to discover that comets where natural phenomena of the solar system.

    CSIRO stands for comenwealth scientific and industrial research organization
  • yuri gagarin

    yuri gagarin
    after the Russian people launched Sputnik 1 in space there next goal was to send a person in space and that person was yuri gagarin.
  • The first animal in space

    The first animal in space
    The first animal in space was a monkey named Albert 1
  • Laika

    Laika was a space dog one of the first animals in space. Laika became so famous because his death in space.
  • NASA

    NASA stands for national arenautics and space adminastration. NASA does lots of different things one of them is that they make satlelite dishes.
  • mars

    the viking 1 was the first spacecraft to orbit and land on mars.
  • American space missions

    American space missions
    skylab wanted to prove that humans could live and work in space for extended periods.
  • space shuttle challenger

    space shuttle challenger
    this space shuttle was one of nasas greatest triumphs but it then was disasteres as it exploded.
  • iss

    The international spacecraft is a spacecraft that orbits around the earth and its also a place where astronauts live.
  • pluto

    pluto was downgraded to a dwarf planet because it did not meet the IAU uses to define a full sized planet